
Isaiah 26:9 ESV

“My soul yearns for You (Father God) in the night; my spirit within me earnestly seeks You. For when Your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.”

This is a great verse in Isaiah, and it is full of knowledge of the things of God. It gives insight and direction; (1) Desiring the things of God in the night hours when things are hopefully quiet is a beautiful thing. (2) The last line says that when God’s judgments, or His perfect will, is manifest on the earth, the world learns how to please God.

(3) The middle line says that our spirits earnestly seek after God. We know according to Romans 8 that the Spirit of God prays through us, but this verse says that our spirit seeks God. It works like this; 1 Corinthians 2:10-13 says that the Spirit of God gives us wisdom about the things of God. So, our spirit is enlightened by God’s Spirit, and we seek God earnestly from our spirit. They more we know God, the more our spirit seeks after God. That should be incentive to know and seek God more deeply.


Lord, seeking after You should be a priority. Getting to know You more should be our quest, or destiny. I don’t find it strange Lord that we have to have Your Spirit to guide our spirit, to seek after You. As a matter of fact, I applaud You Lord, I praise You for working in us to draw closer to You. Without You Lord, we have no hope, with You all things are possible. In Your name Lord Jesus, Amen!