
Knowing His Will

Colossians 1:9b NLT

“…We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.”

This is just a portion of one scripture verse, but it is packed with some amazing and much needed requests from Paul for the church at Colossae.

Paul says that he asked God to give the church complete knowledge of God’s will. Typically, we have knowledge of some of God’s will for our lives, but complete knowledge of God’s will, that is a hard ask, but a much-needed request. If we had complete knowledge of God’s will, there would be no mistakes. I believe we can walk with God, be guided by God, know His will for our lives, but to get the daily picture of what God has for us, we have to be immersed in God’s Spirit continually. That would mean walking with God. Walking with God in that fashion implies a continuous, habitual relationship, marked by a deep commitment to living according to God’s will all the time, getting our direction from Him daily.

Paul also asked that God would give the church at Colossae spiritual wisdom and understanding. That can be achieved by a continual walk with the Lord as well. It includes listening, reading, searching, praying, obeying, applying what He has taught us… I could go on. Spiritual wisdom transcends just knowing, it is a deep dive into the things of God.

One last word of wisdom; I have seen my share of those that believed they were superior because of this deep spiritual insight and knowledge, as if they felt like they were superior to others. There is no place for that attitude in the kingdom.


Lord, help us to know Your will, and to be able to meet Your expectations for our lives today. Open up our minds to deep spiritual wisdom, knowledge and understanding of You and Your ways. Give us Your spiritual insights today and every day, coming to You for our wisdom every day like a soldier to his or her commanding officer waiting for their marching orders for this moment. In Your name Lord we seek You, Amen!